Startseite ยป Futouris Knowledge Hub

Futouris Knowledge Hub

As part of our projects, we work with our members and partners to develop various tools, manuals and guidelines to support the implementation of sustainable tourism development.

e-learning “Human Rights in Tourism”

The training aims to raise awareness of human rights and sustainable business practices in tourism and is the result of a project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the private sector.

Plastic Waste Guidance for Hotels

The manual supports hotels in reducing single-use plastic and contains practical tips and insights from the project with schauinsland-reisen and three hotels in the United Arab Emirates.

Plastic Waste Reduction Toolkit

The Futouris Plastic Waste Reduction Toolkit supports tourism businesses in implementing a long-term plastic reduction strategy in their own operations.

Sustainability Rating Charts Booklet

Have a look at our Sustainability Rating Charts that will help businesses to make more informed purchasing decisions when it comes to sourcing alternative products.

Standard Operating Procedures

The objective of these procedures is to help businesses to minimize unnecessary waste without compromising the guest experience or health and safety expectations.

Decision Trees on Plastic Waste

Have a look at our Decision Trees that have been designed to to guide readers through different decision-making scenarios that follow the waste reduction hierarchy