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Travel of the future is sustainable!

Tourism is only sustainable if it enables everyone involved to make a livable living while using natural and socio-cultural resources responsibly and preserving them for future generations. We align our actions accordingly. At Futouris, we work together to implement innovative and transferable measures to preserve destinations and make the industry fit for the future.

Our innovative model projects aim to stimulate processes towards more sustainable tourism both in the vacation destinations and in the overall business activities of tourism companies. Our projects result in guidelines and standards that help the entire industry to become more sustainable.

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Our Project World

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Climate-conscious travel Mehr erfahren
Plastic-free holidays, Balearic Islands Mehr erfahren
Khwe Cultural Village Mehr erfahren
A “nudge” towards sustainability Mehr erfahren
TUI Field to Fork Griechenland Mehr erfahren

Futouris Knowledge Hub

In the Futouris knowledge Hub you will find toolkits and digital manuals on various topics that were created in Futouris projects.


For example, with the help of our Plastic Waste Management Toolkits you will learn how to set up effective plastic management in your own company and what sustainable alternatives there are for common plastic products.

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Plastic Waste Reduction Toolkit Mehr erfahren
Sustainable Food Toolkit Mehr erfahren
Destination Resilience Toolkit Mehr erfahren