The Sustainable Food Toolkit provides general background information, describes best-practice examples and contains tips on the practical implementation of a sustainable menu in the hotel and catering industry.
The Sustainable Food Toolkit provides general background information, describes best-practice examples and contains tips on the practical implementation of a sustainable menu in the hotel and catering industry.
The Futouris Plastic Waste Reduction Toolkit supports tourism businesses in implementing a long-term plastic reduction strategy in their own operations.
Have a look at our Sustainability Rating Charts that will help businesses to make more informed purchasing decisions when it comes to sourcing alternative products.
The objective of these procedures is to help businesses to minimize unnecessary waste without compromising the guest experience or health and safety expectations.
Have a look at our Decision Trees that have been designed to to guide readers through different decision-making scenarios that follow the waste reduction hierarchy
In Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Welttourismusorganisation UN Tourism, dem United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) und Futouris wurde eine Factsheet-Reihe mit nützlichen Infos und Tipps für eine nachhaltigere Beschaffung von Lebensmitteln entwickelt.
This document offers 10 guiding principles with explanations and concrete examples of how sustainability can be successfully communicated and was created as part of the joint project “Communicating sustainable travel offers successfully” by Futouris and Global Communication Experts.
As part of the joint project with the Spanish Tourist Office in Berlin, criteria were developed for the more sustainable design of information and press trips.
The report summarizes the experiences from two projects on sustainable nutrition on vacation and provides valuable information and practical tips on how a region can develop itself into a destination for sustainable nutrition.