e-learning “Human Rights in Tourism”
The free training is the result of a project funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the private sector. The training aims to raise awareness of human rights and sustainable business practices in tourism.

Content of the training
Module 1 “Business & Human Rights: Tourism and Regulatory Frameworks”
- Insights in tourism industry and its stakeholders
- Legal requirements governing human rights and businesses such as the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG) or the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).
Module 2 “Role & Relevance: Human Rights and Awareness”
- Role of human rights in tourism
- Overview of the key risk areas identified in relevant laws
Module 3 “Supplier Empowerment: Strategic Approach to Human Rights”
- Five key elements of human rights due diligence and its importance for businesses
Module 4 “Ready to Roll: Practical Implementation”
- Practical action plans to mitigate identified risks
- Concrete steps to promote and respect human rights and the environment in own business
Module 5 “Advanced: Reach for more”
- Strategies for effective and meaningful stakeholder engagement
- Steps for implementing a robust grievance mechanism
Project “Industry-wide training on human rights in tourism”
A total of nine large, medium and small tourism companies as well as five associations and civil society organizations came together to jointly develop an online training course on human rights due diligence in the tourism value chain. The e-learning is available for free for direct partners and suppliers of all tourism players and does not only raise awareness on human rights but also strengthens the knowledge of users.