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Digital und praxisnah: Toolkits der Futouris Wissenswelt unterstützen Tourismusunternehmen bei nachhaltiger Entwicklung

Die Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative Futouris e.V. hat eine innovative Plattform mit kostenlosen digitalen Toolkits und Leitfäden entwickelt. Diese Futouris Wissenswelt ist darauf ausgerichtet, Tourismusunternehmen bei der Implementierung umweltfreundlicher und sozialverträglicher Praktiken zu unterstützen. Sie deckt Themen wie nachhaltige Kulinarik, Plastikabfallvermeidung und Destinationsresilienz ab und bietet praxisnahe Tipps, Tools und Best-Practice-Beispiele. Mit diesem neuen Angebot will Futouris die Anwendung nachhaltiger Lösungen in der Reisebranche fördern und vertiefen.

The renowned sustainability initiative Futouris has been implementing projects for more sustainable tourism development worldwide together with committed members and partners for over 15 years. The project results are used to develop practical handbooks and strategic guidelines that are made available to the entire travel industry free of charge. Futouris is now proud to present the new Futouris Knowledge Hub – an innovative platform with digital, practical toolkits and guidelines designed to support tourism companies in implementing environmentally and socially responsible measures. The toolkits on topics such as sustainable cuisine, plastic waste prevention or destination resilience contain practical tips, useful tools and checklists as well as illustrative best practice examples from the industry, are intuitive to use and are available in German and/or English, depending on the main topic.


Futouris Plastic Waste Reduction Toolkit

Another outstanding example of the digital tools of the Futouris world of knowledge is the Futouris Sustainable Food Toolkit, which was created in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Lund-Durlacher from the Institute for Tourism Sustainability and with the support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labor and Economy, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) and the Austrian Hotel Association. The toolkit provides in-depth background information, best practice examples and practical tips for implementing sustainable F&B management in the hotel and catering industry. Specifically, users can delve into the topics of more sustainable food procurement, menu design and waste management as well as effective communication.


Procuring Food Sustainably: Working closely with UN Tourism and UNEP to develop factsheets

As part of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme, the world tourism organization UN Tourism, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Futouris worked closely together to develop a series of factsheets as a useful tool for more sustainable food sourcing. The factsheets provide clear information and tips on important aspects such as the climate and water footprint of different foods, on relevant product categories such as meat or fish and on the use of certifications and seals such as organic or fair trade.


The launch of the Futouris Knowledge Hub marks an important step towards making project results from the Futouris projects directly and easily usable in practice and achieving a broad application of sustainable solutions. “We are convinced that activating action knowledge, practice-relevant communication and cooperation are the key to creating a more sustainable tourism industry,” says Swantje Lehners, Managing Director Projects and Cooperation at Futouris. “The Futouris Knowledge Hub is intended to be a central place where companies and their employees can find information and resources to support them in realizing sustainable tourism.” Futouris invites all players in the tourism industry to actively use this innovative and free platform, recommend it to their partners and work together to make tourism sustainable.


TUI Field to Fork Greece Tasting Events

As part of the TUI Field to Fork Greece project, the first tasting events were held at which local producers offered their regeneratively grown products.


Project Hotels Go Net Zero

The project Hotels Go Net Zero which aims to reduce CO2e emissions in hotels has started with successful kick-off meetings.


Plastic reduction at TUI MAGIC LIFE Cala Pada

As part of the industry project plastic-free vacation, TUI MAGIC LIFE Cala Pada on Ibiza is implementing another plastic reduction measure this year: the elimination of plastic water bottles in the hotel.


SRV patronage of Futouris

Futouris is now being supported by the Swiss Travel Association as part of a new patronage. The SRV complements the existing patronages of the German Travel Association and the Austrian Travel Association.