Circular Cruising

The aim of the Futouris project with TUI Cruises and EPEA is to reduce packaging waste in the cruise industry by applying the principles of the circular economy.

Industry project “Biodiversity in tourism: Protect to discover”

The aim of the Futouris industry project is to maximize the contribution of tourism to the preservation and restoration of biodiversity in tourist destinations, to reduce negative impacts and to anchor concrete measures in all processes of the core tourism business.

Himalayan Whisperers – Empowering local women in India

In a joint project with Gebeco, we support a group of women in northern India to generate their own income by producing local products and networking with travelers, thus becoming self-employed / independent.

Hotels Go Net Zero

3d rendering of a luxury hotel suite with bed, plants and side table. Digitally generated image of the interior of tourist resort bedroom.

The aim of this joint project is to support hotels across Europe in developing and implementing active climate management for their operations.

Climate-friendly product design for tour operators

The “Climate-Friendly Product Design” project as part of the BMWK’s LIFT Transformation Program aims to develop instruments and training programs with partners from science and business in order to integrate the criterion of climate impact more closely into the product development and management of tour operators.

TUI Field to Fork Greece

Futouris and the TUI Care Foundation are taking their commitment on the island of Crete one step further and are working with local partners to help farmers and food producers switch to regenerative agriculture and link the players with the tourism industry. One focus here is reducing the carbon footprint of agricultural products.

Industry-wide training on human rights in tourism

A total of nine large, medium and small tourism companies as well as five associations and civil society organizations have come together to jointly develop online training courses on human rights due diligence in the tourism value chain.

A “nudge” towards sustainability

How can travelers be motivated to travel more sustainably? The joint project between Futouris and Tourism Ireland Germany is intended to provide answers to this question. A concept for using effective “nudging” methods to successfully communicate susttyainable travel offers in Ireland will be developed and tested in practice.

STAY FAIR – making sustainably certified accommodations visible

With the help of the STAY FAIR attribute, Amadeus, in collaboration with Fairweg, makes sustainably certified accommodations visible in the amadeus sales channels, making it significantly easier for travelers to find suitable accommodations.

Climate conscious travel

A lake in the shape of human footprints in the middle of a lush forest as a metaphor for the impact of human activity on the landscape and nature in general. 3d rendering.

The Futouris industry project aims to uniformly calculate the emissions caused by travel and present them to employees and customers.